Saturday, January 16, 2010

my candle blowing day..

it's a very special day 4 me myself...y?as mentioned above, it's my candle blowing day a.k.a my besday =D wlopn celebration nye x se'happening' muda2 dlu but 4 me,it's precious still since my beloved en. hubby give me a present.....(a present ke?! no no no....presents actly =D) last nite mse nk p mkn kt chipz restaurant, dgn pnuh surprise n macho nye (hahah...) die hulurkn kt 1 kotak yg (bg sy) sgt cntik n chomey smpi rasa syg nk bukak..maka nye sy pn amek la gmbo skeping 2..b4 tu, die tnjuk kt sy sekotak rokok, sy pn dgn muke hagemaru yg kehairanan tnye la nape..die btau that'll be the last cigar pack, n dat's burfday present 4 me. waaaaa.....terharu nye sy, sbb en. hubby yg sgtlah hardcore dlm 'asap-berasap' ni nk benti demi sy n mu'iz..alhmdulillah, wlopn sy tau die x berani nk jamin die btul2 b'jaya ke x but at least he's willing 2 try =) n dat's gud enough 4 me..

hasilnye...hrini die zzzZZzzzz sepetang, hahahah...mmg tu la simptom nye klo benti 'berasap' dgn mengejut. sangap tahap dewa ke 10,sian die..awl2 pg lg en. hubby btau de meeting ngn client tghri nih, muke pn tension je masa btau..oleh karna nk menyejukkn ati nye itu, sy pn jnji akan siapkn mknan tghri sblum die blik. so, dgn pnuh kasih syg (cmpoq ngn kasih syg mu'iz skali, sbb die suke mai dapoq nk kaco..) sy menyiapkn sambal sotong, masak lemak pucuk paku, ayam goreng n sambal blacan..bile en. hubby blik, die bwk bouquet of flowers. dlm muke dok snyum2, smpt lg sy pk, bile mase la plak mamat ni p bli bunge..rupe nye tu la meeting die ngn kwn die...aisey, malu la plak den ngn adik2 ipaq den yg kebetulan mai umh w'end nih :">

pe pn, sy ttp appreciate all those givings..tq en. hubby, luv u =)

well..moral of the story, wlo pn kengkadang kite terase ngn usikan hubby atau kunun2 b'jauh ati, jgn la terbwk2 sgt sbb kite xtau kdg2 kite pn de wat salah n yg paling penting, ingt la the sweetest thing die pnh wat utk kite.... =)

1 comment:

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